Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Catching up on life that is racing by.....

Our slightly nutty new dog (adopted last March), is finally coming around. We literally could not bring out a camera without him fleeing for safety. On this particular day, he actually posed!

Last week, just before Colin returned to Japan, Keenan decided it was time to ride his bike for real...without training wheels.

He took to it like the proverbial duck to water, but perhaps a little too well as he seems to have absolutely no fear and is already trying to do 'tricks'. Keenan's 'tricks' have already shaved a few years off my life but he reports that he is having FUN. Sophia has been more tentative and is still very shaky without training wheels, but she does seem to enjoy coming out the barn with me. Yup, that is right, a horse is back in my life, eeh gad.


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