Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good Morning from Viet Nam


It is 117 am and we are at the hotel and obviously have accessed the internet! Yippee! So far, blogger seems to be working just fine. I will try to post some photos as soon as I can.

I won't get into specifics on exactly how miserable the first 14 hour leg of our journey was, but suffice to say, we were thrilled to get on solid ground. The wait in Korea wasn't too bad and the flight from Korea to Hanoi was, dare I say, pleasant.

Sophia hardly slept in the past 24 hours, and thus, neither have we. She has now had her bath but still does not seem overly interested in sleeping which may make for a really long night for all of us.

Wanted to let you know that we are here and, so far, all is well.


At 4:13 PM, Blogger Donna said...

Yippee! You're there and still in one piece (at least physically).

I hope Sophia drifts off to dreamland soon so you guys can catch some shut-eye!

What's the timeline? How much time do you have before your family of three becomes a family of four? Is it similar to China adoption?

Blog when you can!



At 7:52 PM, Blogger Kimber and Chris said...

YAAAAYYY!! So glad you can post from there. Please post photos- tell us everything. Is it beautiful? How is the hotel?
Praying for sleep and rest for all of you. When do you get Keenan?
We just watched our video from May 15th I CANNOT believe you are doing this again already!
Oh my!
Love all of

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Jenny V said...

Glad you made it safely. Hopefully SOphia will conk out soon so the rest of you can. can't wait for photos. Get some sleep.
Jenny V


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