Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here are the details.  Colin was offered (and accepted) a job flying for a Japanese airline.  His training is scheduled to start mid March in Tokyo and is projected to last five months.  In that time, the kids and I will visit but probably not stay full time as apparently the training is very intensive and we want him to pass.  Studying or sleeping are not so easy when you have two little ones running amok in a small one bedroom apartment.  

When he completes training, we have set our sights on Hawaii.  Colin will have Oahu layovers (he will be gone 17 to 19 days stretches) and since this a commuting contract, he will be flying back to the states for his off days.  Flying to Hawaii/Japan is a much shorter prospect than commuting from Michigan.  It should save him nearly 20 hours a month that would otherwise be spent in the air.

We realize challenges lie ahead, but we are extremely grateful for this great job opportunity in such difficult job market.  We are still working out the logistics but it looks like we will certainly be making a journey from here to there.

p.s. the Hawaii photos were ones we took in Maui several years ago.  They might look a little funny because we don't have the images on our computer so I had to take photos of them on the wall at an angle to prevent glare.  My cropping job was less than perfect.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger mama d said...

wow, Wow, WOW! Congratulations on all the great news.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger M3 said...

Oh my goodness!!! This is big, Big, BIG news. :-) Sounds like an awesome opportunity for Colin and some really great changes for the whole family. So happy and excited for you guys.

PS: I have a wonderful friend who has worked for a Japanese airline for decades, I'll email you to see if it's the same one.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Congratulations you guys! We are so happy for you! We're so excited to be visiting you out there some day, it will be a blast!!!!

Michelle, Adam, and Seth

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Kim said...

HOW Exciting..
I am sooo happy for you all..
Have fun.
ANd keep posting to keep us updated of your great travels..

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Christina said...

Best of luck in this new adventure. I've followed your blog for several years now (I think I linked from Donna T.'s blog originally). Sadly, we just made the decision to drop out of the China program after 3 years, but I really enjoy your writing style and hearing about the kids and hope you continue blogging.

This is an exciting time; I'm sure you all will make the best of it. You seem like such a strong family.

Best of luck!
Christina M.


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