Monday, April 30, 2012

Keenan contemplates a butterfly
It is hard to believe that this year marks Sophia's sixth annual visit to a butterfly garden, and Keenan's fifth.  Darn did that go fast!

Still, at least the kids are no longer terrified of the fickle fluttering insects that flit from here to there. It would have been an even better day if Daddy had been able to join us, Nanny too, as she was present for the first several years of Butterfly Exploration. Still, a good day was had by all.

p.s. I am very happy to report that our family did not cause nor was in any way responsible for a single butterfly fatality this year...(let's not talk about last year, shall we, a far too traumatic memory.)
Hamming it up

Butterfly Keenan

Caterpillar Sophia

Caterpillar Keenan


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