Thursday, May 31, 2007

Standing Around (that is, when I can hang on to the piano)

One day after he started to crawl, Keenan started to 'tall kneel' as his 'Early On' p/t describes it. Lo and behold, two days later, he is pulling himself to the standing position on anything that is handy (especially Sophia's piano).

Sophia wasn't too sure about this 'sharing' thing but I guess she decided it was for a good cause and joined in the fun. Of course, there are moments she still wants to take over. Keenan protests but then usually goes with the flow.

But once Sophia has headed to bed for the out, the mad pianist strikes and won't stop until he is absolutely exhausted.

Hmmmm........How does thing work? Oh, you just press this button, or that one, or that one....this sure beats rolling around!


At 8:32 PM, Blogger Kim said...

It is pretty amazing how they grow up so fast... The water looked very nice.. Hope the weather stays nice for you.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Samantha said...

Such a smiley happy guy Keenan is! Sophia is gorgeous as well glad she is willing to share sometimes.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger mexican chopsticks said...

I wish I was there to hug them both! They are just to adorable!

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Sophie's Mom said...

You have a beautiful family! He will be running before you know it... and I'll bet he'll be grinning from ear to ear when he does it!


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Proud Mama and Papa said...

This is a great site. I just stumbled across it tonight. It was a link from "Chasing Kayla". I don't know where I got linked with her blog, it has been a long time. I looked through all of your pictures and just loved them. We are have an 11/28/05 LID from China and hope to be traveling in the next few months. I am curious how you were able to apply for a second adoption so quickly after completing your first. My guess is that a change in agency and country. I had read a month or so back in your archives that you didn't mind questions - so I thought I would ask here.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger S. said...

Your children are both just gorgeous!


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