Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Gotcha Day Sweet Sophia and Keenan Cutie

May 15, 2006, we first met and held Sophia. January 15, 2007, we first met and held Keenan. Happy Gotcha Day to both of our children, you are the best things that ever happened to us.

China bound, May 2006

Anxiously waiting to meet our girls. Aunt Kimberley looks like she is ready to pass out. I may not look it, but I sure felt it.

Our first glimpse of Sophia as she entered the room.

The hand off and that is when the tears (Sophia's that is) started and did not stop for over an hour and a half.

Sophia's red and tear stained face and our first photo after the tears had finally stopped.

Later back in our room, Sophia's personality begins to emerge, and gradually, so do the smiles

January 2007, bound for Vietnam with our little girl in tow.

The hand off., less tears this time, they would come later.....

Later, Keenan and Sophia do some bonding. Most of his smiles are reserved for her.

On the plane, homeward bound.


At 6:18 PM, Blogger Samantha said...

Love the Gotcha day photos!

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Valerie said...

What a wonderful trip down memory lane. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful story. Congratulations and best always to all of you!!
(And thanks again for the wonderful Vietnam info!!)

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Congratulations! What a sonderful feeling! May the best years be yet to come :D

At 4:34 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Have I mentioned lately that they are both gorgeous! We are planning on two reg size suitcases and two carry ons. My big question is how to fit all the stuff I want to bring into them!

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Welshie said...

what a difference a year makes!! Your lives have changed so much. Well done.


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