A new hat from Nana
When we went to the butterfly exhibit, my Mom got Sophia the cutest hat for her birthday. Since she has been growing like a weed lately, Nana decided that it was better to give it to Sophia as an early birthday present.
These days, Sophia is in constant motion and it is almost impossible to get her to pose for a photo. Until we get a camera with a faster shutter speed, a lot of her pictures will be action photos, meaning often blurred or off center.
Sweet Sophia-
PLEASE bring your sunshine out west to see us- we miss you.
Kimber, Chris, & Tuesday xx
PS my other comment didn't post under "hugs" - i hope they are coming through...
Your Sophia is so adorable! Your blog name caught me by surprise, I have another website (from when we traveled in 2005) called journeytosophia.com LOL Just had to stop by and say hi!
Sophia's Website
She looks very cute in her new hat!
Camers - shamera :0) She is just to cute!
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