Sunday, April 08, 2007

Fun at Nana's

At Nana's house, Sophia and Keenan got to visit with their Uncle Mike and Cousin Mike. Sophia thinks that Cousin Mike is the most fun but she is still wary of her Uncle Mike, poor uncle. Could it be that she is a little intimidated by his looming 6'4" frame and furry beard? Sophia eventually came around and included Uncle Mike in her game of tossing the ball and then running away, all the while, screaming wildly.

I know that some of the photos of Keenan and Sophia look very similar but they were both so cute, I just couldn't make up my mind on which nuance I liked better, so I decided to live dangerously and post them all.


At 8:18 PM, Blogger Samantha said...

You are right the both look cute in all of them!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger my3 kids said...

could they possibly be any cutier????

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