Friday, April 06, 2007

Go Speed Racer, Go............

Our neighbors have a little electric car that they have been kind enough to share with Sophia. Colin showed her which button she needed to push to make it go. She thought it was a lot of fun, but was soon saying 'floor, floor, floor' and just to be sure we were listening, she added 'please' several times. How can you refuse a 20 month old girl who says please?

Unfortunately or fortunately, she seems to have caught on that I have a hard time saying no to any of her requests accompanied by 'please.' Hence, phrases heard around our house consist of 'up, pease' 'down pease' 'help pease' 'milk peas' 'more pease' or just 'pease, pease, pease' (leaving us to figure out what she is asking for). Not complaining mind you.................

Sleepy time........


At 8:59 PM, Blogger Donna said...

Hee hee.... I get the "peas" too. I think the girls learned this trick from their teenage brother who still pleads with me after I've said no by saying "please" ten thousand times (as if it ever works?)

But when babies do it, it's very hard to resist!


At 4:27 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Manners melt my heart as well! They are just Gorgeous children!


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