Yup, Keenan is in Kindergarten (well private Kinder as he missed the cut off by two weeks). He is doing great, loves to read, LOVES dinosaurs and everything National Geographic. We are not sure if he will be in the Mandarin Immersion program for first grade next year or will have to repeat Kinder, but we believe that, somehow, it will all work out. In the meantime, in the past six months, he has had endured three staples in the head (fell on a chair when he was playing with Sophia), a few more bouts of pneumonia, a test for Cystic Fibrosis (which was thankfully negative) and various other ailments. But at the moment, anyway, he is doing just fine. Funny, exceptionally bright, insightful, perceptive, and often mercurial (and not always in a good way), that is our Keenan in a nutshell. When I think of Keenan, I think of a line from Seabiscuit, "when the the little guy doesn't know he is a little guy, he can do great things." Never a boring moment around this little boy.