From Here To There, The Ladybug and the Dragonfly
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Congratulations Sophia!
Today marks the 10th day that Sophia went #2 in the potty. #1 usually makes it to the potty too. It all started June 11th when Colin decided to have a heart to heart discussion with Sophia about her reluctance to use the potty. We have read all the books, so we have not pressured her or made her feel bad about her disinterest in actually using the potty. She didn't mind reading about it, in fact, loved her potty book that we had gotten her and insisted it be read to her several times a day. Apparently, she loved the idea in theory, but did not have any immediate intention to turn it into a reality.
One day, Colin decided to partially ignore all that good advice and tell her that he really wanted to see her try to use the potty so she could actually wear the "Curious George" underwear she coveted so much. He was kind but firm. Less than an hour later, she said she wanted to try but wanted "some privacy." Less than 10 minutes later, I heard some screaming from the bathroom. Alarmed, I ran full speed to see what the matter was. I was greeted by a little girl, butt naked, jumping up and down, pointing to the toilet, screaming, "I did it, I did it, I went poo-poo in the potty!"
Big hugs and lots of praise all around, that is, after we had wiped her bottom. Meanwhile, we dusted off her sticker chart and let her proudly place her unicorn sticker in box #1 (out of 10). We had long promised her that when she filled out the chart with 10 unicorn stickers, she would get a pizza party, a lemon cake and get to see a movie in the movie theater (she has never been before). So not many hours after she placed that 10th sticker on her chart. She got two out of three of those promises, her pizza party and a lemon cake. A movie will be forthcoming as soon as we identify a movie suitable for a three year old.
As fate would have it, there was a Beatles cover band playing in the park last night. Now I have to preface this by explaining that the kids are absolutely nuts about the Beatles. I suppose that I am mostly responsible for their obsession since I really can't persuade myself to play children's music when I drive. Several months ago, I started singing "Yellow Submarine" to Sophia and Keenan. After every verse, they would yell "more, more." Since I have been a big Beatles fan for most of my life, I figured they should hear the real thing and I started playing "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver" whenever I drove the kids around. Since then, after every song ends, they say 'more, more please." Sophia knows every word to "Yellow Submarine" and when Keenan wants to hear "Good Day Sunshine," he cries out "Good sun, good sun." It is a good thing that I love this band.
Sophia and Keenan watched the cover band for over two hours. They clapped enthusiastically after every song and when the band finally played "Yellow Submarine," Sophia screamed very loudly and jumped up and down in sheer joy. After returning home, the two fell into an immediate deep slumber.
Congratulations Sophia, you are growing up so very fast......
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Keeping up with change...
It is true, I haven't been posting much these days. The reasons are many but not really anything I want to write about just now. What I will say is this, skyrocketing oil prices have caused the already unstable airline business to be in absolute turmoil these days. Some days, I feel like I am walking on constantly shifting ground. Some things are up in the air (no pun intended) and I will write more when I know which way is up.
Pretty in pigtails......
Yesterday, Sophia rode a bike for the first time. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. It seems like it is suddenly happening at warped speed. Next month, she turns three. Did I just really write that?
Sleepy boy
Several minutes later, my Mom came downstairs carrying the phone. She said Colin was on the line and was requesting I take a photo of Keenan. I took the phone and asked Colin why I needed to take a photo. He said "because your Mom said he is asleep in the high chair." My response was "huh?" I went to investigate myself and sure enough, this is what I found. I said, how long ago did he fall asleep? Bewildered looks all around. My next question, surely you guys didn't just leave him alone? More bewildered looks, which spoke volumes to me. Still, he obviously hadn't been distressed since he never made a peep, and it really was such a cute photo op.