Our dear friends, Adam and Michelle were expecting their first baby in November. Well apparently, their little boy, Seth, decided that was too long of a wait and showed up this past Saturday. I managed to quickly throw some things in a suitcase and Keenan, Sophia and I headed to Phoenix to meet their new addition. Mother and baby are doing well. Because he is only 26 weeks old, Seth is in the neo-natal ICU. Michelle has been discharged from the hopsital and we have returned home, but they are in our thoughts during this difficult time.
I had some great photos of Michelle and Adam with our kids, but the new memory card (something I had to purchase in Phoenix because I forgot to pack one) for my camera does not work on the camera we use to download photos. So for the time being, I am only able to post a photo of my friend Sara and her children, Kaitlin and Blake. Sara was kind enough to take us all in at a moments notice and watch the kids when I went to the hospital. Good friends are hard to come by and I'm lucky to have Michelle and Sara as two wonderful friends.