Monday, July 17, 2006

First Boat Ride

Sophia's Uncle Mike has a boat. This past weekend, Sophia got on that boat and once again demonstrated her willingness to 'go with the flow.' Not only was she a good sport about having a quart of sunscreen applied, a bulky life jacket strapped on her, and lots of gear to cover her head and eyes, she never once go sea sick, unlike her Mother, who was alternately white as a ghost and green as a pea throughout much of the 3 hour tour.

Sophia with Dad and Cousin, Little Mike

The Three Rs

No, I am not referring to the old axiom "reading, writing, and arithmetic." (Side note) OK, so I have always wondered why they referred to that as the 3 rs. I get that there is a R in every word, but still, doesn't quite add up, does it?

My version of 3 Rs simply translates to this: Running, riding, and reading. Simply put, these are the three things that I feel help to sustain my physical, mental and emotional health. I knew going in that being a Mother would require a lot of sacrifices on my part, probably more than I imagined. That being said, I had resolved that even after Sophia arrived, I would do my best to continue with my daily three mile runs, riding my horse and enjoying reading a good book before going to sleep.

Many of my friends who were already mothers laughed at my naive notion of still getting through 3 to 4 novels a month. Their laughter was the equivalent of waving the red cape in front of the bull. I felt compelled to prove them wrong and set about doing so.

So how well have I done so far? In the past 3 weeks, I have whipped through 5 mystery novels. Of course, my sheer cussedness comes at a steep price. Namely, a full night's sleep has been sacrificed on more than one occasion. Sophia has been willing to tag along (via a jogging stroller) for my daily runs. OK, so maybe I only run 4 times a week instead of 6, but still, it is better than nothing. And afterall, it has been pretty hot lately (whine, whine, whine). On the riding front? Well, unfortunately with the climate change, Mambo's feet became very fragile and he hasn't been able to wear shoes. Result? His feet are so bruised, he hasn't been sound enough to for me to ride. I still go and groom him several times a week and I am happy to spend time with him.

All in all, I feel like I have done a pretty decent job of persisting with the three things (the 3 Rs that is) that I felt were an intergral part of my well being. I won't say it has been easy. I miss Sophia when I am away from her. On the other hand, I think that when I am with her, I am more present and less prone to feel resentful of the things I might be giving up.

I'm sure this approach isn't for everyone. As for me, I think it has made me a happier, and as a result, better, parent to Sophia. I'm sure that one way or another, in the years to come, Sophia will let me know if I have made the right choices. Like me, she is no wall flower and I believe she will be inclined to speak her mind, whether or not I like what she has to say about me. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Birthday Photos Continued

I am still having problems downloading photos, so here is yet another post....
Sophia sees her new swing for the first time

Sophia's first ride in her birthday swing

Jim helps Sophia inspect her new scoot and push toy. She is more interested in its underpinnings than riding it around.

The Birthday Girl contemplates taking the new toy out for a spin but then decides it's too much effort.

Friday, July 07, 2006

More Birthday Fun

Colin's Birthday Poem for Sophia

Sophia, Sophia
You are one year old today
So glad we can celebrate together
It's your first Birthday, Hooray!

The many roads you have traveled
Now with family this great day
It is your very first one
"Happy Birthday" we all say

You're crawling and playing hard
Trying to walk on your own
Your laughing, smiling, and exploring
How much in one year you have grown

This first you've shared with friends and family
all here
Nana and Oompa singing their lullaby
Mommy and Daddy proud, holding you near

The twinkles and the smiles
The goos and the gaaaas you possess
Melts the hearts around you
We all love you we confess

You've been great in every way
Trying foods of every kind
Stroller rides, backpacks, car seats
Never seeming to mind

Now with new toys and books
Swing, push bike, pictures and panda
Everyone's generosity
Keeping you busy till Santa

Sophia's first outfit suffered a wardrobe malfunction ala Janet Jackson

Jill helped Sophia model her replacement outfit which stayed properly fastened throughout the party

Blogger can be temperamental and only allows me to put just so many photos on any one post. I had lots more photos of Sophia's Birthday Party so here it goes:

Birthday Girl!

It's hard to believe, but Sophia turned 1 year old yesterday! Colin and I had decided we weren't going to spoil her rotten with presents. We needn't have bothered, our family and friends did the spoiling for us. A fun time was had by all, especially Sophia.

Sophia meets Andy the Pandy courtesy of Aunt Michelle and Uncle Adam

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

All American Girl

Sophia's Fourth of July outfit came with a bib that said "All American Girl" and it just seemed an appropriate title for her first Independence Day celebration. It was a beautiful day and the sunset was stunning.

The day would have been perfection had we received her Certificate of Citizenship in the mail. Due to some problems with the temporary forward on our mail, it appears it is floating around some where in the postal system. I called the BCIS and they told me they would be on a look out for it if it was returned to them. In the meantime, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we get the certificate before we return to California in time to visit Colin's Grandma in Canada.

Look for a new post tomorrow with lots of photos of her first birthday party. Lots of family and friends coming and I am hoping for some more photos of Sophia's 'cake face'.

Pretty in pink

Getting some piano lessons from Nana

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Visit from Grandma

Colin's Mom made the drive from New York to see her new grandaughter. We had a really nice visit and Sophia loved meeting more family.