There is no place like home
Sure wish we could have clicked our heels together to get home, but alas, it involved 20 hours worth of plane rides and a total of 30 hours travel time from point to point. The journey home took on a distinct Murphy's Law tone (near misconnects, missing luggage, wrong forms provided by cabin crew, cranky immigration officers, China's version of TSA stripping us of our water for making formula and some baby food, delayed luggage, new time consuming immigration procedures in Chicago and driving through a near blizzard with windshield wiper fluid that was frozen, just to name a few). I'm sure that some day in the future, it will be comical to us. OK, perhaps not the near future. No matter, we are now home and what a great feeling it is.
The trip to Viet Nam was very challenging. We faced a lot of health challenges along the way, not to mention adapting to having two children so close in age but at different stages. Keenan is such a wonderful little guy. His smile melts my heart. Sophia has been such a great big sister and it is really special to watch her look out for her baby brother.
With Keenan, we are still struggling with some lingering health issues and really hope to get him feeling better. Meanwhile, not surprisingly, everyone's sleep cycle has been totally thrown for a loop. At any given point in the day, one of us is delirious with fatigue and none of us are sleeping when we should be.
Just wanted everyone to know that we got home safe. Once we have gotten settled in, I will post more photos.