Some Happy Kids
Colin came home for the holidays this past week. Before we drove home, we made the requisite stop to see Old St. Nick. This year marked the first year that both children smiled and laughed. No screams of terror rang the halls, yippee!
We had our first snowfall at our new home. The kids were very excited to go play in it and we managed to create a tiny snowman. As of now, there wasn't enough snow for anything rivaling the snowman Daddy built them last year, but it was fun all the same, and Keenan was quite content driving his trucks around.
October 16th, Colin's first time to our Seattle home. Later that same day, first me, then Keenan and finally, Sophia, only Daddy managed to escape the dreaded bug. It was not a fun time for any of us, but Keenan's bout was exceptionally bad, fever of 106.7. And as many kids with asthma, his illness turned into bacterial pneumonia, despite early treatment with Tamiflu. Two rounds of powerful antibiotics, and four weeks of being quite sick before he gradually improved, for which we are incredibly grateful.